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Graphic Journalism by Dan Archer


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Guatemala, Goldcorp and the Communities they tried to ignore.

At last! A powerful piece of comics journalism on the tragic treatment of indigenous communities at the hands of Canadian mining corporation Goldcorp. Rights Action has done a fantastic job of chronicling the spread of health issues, infant mortalities and suffering endured by communities near the gold mines, which you can see for yourselves here.

In the meantime, here’s the comics piece below – published on Scribd.

Extraction!: Comix Reportage – Gold (Guatamala) reportage by Dawn Paley/ comix by Joe Ollmann

Interactive Comics Journalism piece online now at Cartoon Movement

I’m pleased to announce that one of the interactive multimedia comics that I worked on during my Knight fellowship is now live over at Cartoon Movement. To read the piece, click here. (Above is a sample tier). The piece tells the story of the Nisoor square shootings that took place in Sept 2007 in Baghdad, Iraq involving US contractor Blackwater (now renamed “Xe Services”). The tragic event saw 17 Iraqis killed and 24 wounded during the controversial shootings, which civilian witnesses argue was unprovoked. The case was dismissed by US courts in 2009 but reopened just a few months ago, in April 2011.

Meanwhile, Xe’s polemical CEO Erik Prince has moved to Abu Dhabi to export his unique brand of mercenary training:

Mr. Prince, who resettled here last year after his security business faced mounting legal problems in the United States, was hired by the crown prince of Abu Dhabi to put together an 800-member battalion of foreign troops for the U.A.E., according to former employees on the project, American officials and corporate documents obtained by The New York Times…

Stay tuned for a separate post on what looks frighteningly like a School of the Americas for the middle east.

Vote for me in the Mozilla Knight News Challenge!

That’s right, now is one of the few times you can honestly help me improve my mojo. (Mo)zilla + (Jo)urnalism that is, you dirty-minded lot. Simply go here, read my awesome proposal and click ‘vote’ in the top right hand corner. Essentially, it’s what you’ve come to expect around here, discerning fan of comics journalism that you are – combining the visual storytelling devices of comics with the souped-up power of web 2.0 (or is that passe already?) to incorporate video, animation and audio within comics panels. Voting closes today, so make it count! Winners go through to the next round, earning themselves some top-notch coding training in the process. Believe me, after wrestling with my interactive Blackwater piece (now pushed back til Monday on Cartoonmovement, sorry folks), I could use it.

Here’s the blurb from the Mozilla:

Video is a central part of many people’s daily news experience. But most online video is still stuck in a boring embedded box, like “TV on a web page,” separated from the rest of the page content. This offers little in the way of context or opportunities for viewers to engage more deeply.

New open video tools make it possible to pull data from across the web right into the story. Information related to the video can literally “pop” into the page. And videos themselves can change, dynamically adapting as stories evolve. The challenge is to use these tools in ways that serve the story. How can we enrich news video through things like added context, deeper viewer engagement, and the real time web? What are the untapped possibilities inherent in many-to-many, web video?

New Interactive Comics Journalism Piece – Online next Weds

Cartoon Movement, the internet’s #1 platform for high quality political cartoons and comics journalism (and sister site of VJ movement) , is publishing my latest piece on the Sept 2007 shootings that occurred in Nisoor Square, Baghdad – there’s a little taster about it on their blog here. The piece will go up next wednesday, June 15th. In the run up to next week I’ll post some previews of the panels and give more of a sense of how the piece works, and the importance (not to mention the untapped potential) of incorporating interactivity into comics journalism pieces.

For now, let me break down the above screenshot, which is the main viewing area for the piece (which, incidentally, loads in its own window due to sizing constraints). The viewing area is comprised of 3 main parts: the timeline (corresponding to the 15 minutes that the incident took place over), which can be advanced by clicking on the play button, or dragged to a specific point); the background, which is comprised of a satellite picture of Nisoor Square together with an additional layer of brightly coloured icons (corresponding to the various people and vehicles involved in the incident) that move along their respective paths as the incident unfolds; and, of course, the panels, which appear as the user hovers over the said icons, providing an eyewitness account of the event from that specific perspective (the majority of which are taken from direct testimonies).

Finishing up the Knight and Re-Engineering Journalism

Wow. I know lately I’ve been prone to postponing my once-daily digital diatribes, but the sheer amount of work I’ve been getting through of late has tipped we way over the line. The main reason for that was the big push to the end of my Knight Fellowship at Stanford, which I’ll write more about in detail on my Knight project page. In the meantime, visit this link to watch my 3 min hyper-summary of comics journalism and what I’ve been working on at Stanford. Or click here to see how the rest of my incredibly talented cohort spent their year via the re-engineering journalism Knight Fellowship Garage.

Audio from the Joe Sacco Comics Journalism Panel @Stanford, 6/5/11

That’s right, click here for the full 1.5 hr audio of “The World in Frames” panel organized at Stanford last week. Featuring Andrea Lunsford (Professor of English), Adam Johnson (Assoc Professor in English and Creative Writing), Adam Rosenblatt (Ph.D. Candidate, Modern Thought and Literature, representing the Program in Human Rights) and, of course, myself (Comics Journalist, John S. Knight Journalism Fellow).

Joe goes into detail on his process, what tools he uses (nibs and paper types, the whole shebang), his influences, and why he chose comics as the medium for his journalism.

Joe Sacco at Stanford TONIGHT, a new prototype and Hard Hats (pt.1) finally finished!

Reminder: myself and various other members of the Stanford comics community will be discussing comics journalism with Joe Sacco at Annenberg auditorium, 7pm tonight. If you’re curious about the above image, it’s a screenshot of my latest interactive prototype, which you can experiment with here. (It’s the most recent one, at the bottom).

I’ve also just contributed my first post to Graphic, which is a comics journalism collective featuring Susie Cagle, Wendy Macnaughton, Matt Bors, Jen Sorensen and Sarah Glidden. As if that wasn’t enough, last night (well, technically in the wee hours of this morning, in the longstanding tradition of comics creators everywhere) I finally finished the first part (4o pages) of my graphic novel, “The Hard Hat Riots”, which I’ve co-written with Nikil Saval. More on that soon.

New Hardhats Artwork

It’s so close I can taste it! One of the concluding panels from the re-drawn part one of my graphic novel-in-progress, Hardhats. See the drop-down menus above for more info on that, and other comics. Also, you can follow me on twitter (@archcomix) or follow the Archcomix FB page here to stay up to date on all comics journalism news and events. Speaking of which – I’ll be on a panel with the legendary comics journalist Joe Sacco at Stanford next Thurs, May 5th at 7pm. Annenberg Auditorium. Hope to see you there!

Marching against the School of the Americas and singing to Obama

Check out the recent demos in DC against the School of the Americas, whose involvement in human rights abuses across latin america continues to go unpunished. For more info on the School, renamed the catchier WHINSEC (much like Blackwater’s seismic change to Xe), check out these comics.

And speaking of creative action, kudos to the protestors who heckled Obama at a recent fundraiser in here in San Fran, urging him to reconsider the Pentagon’s harsh treatment of wikileaks whistleblower Bradley Manning, who has done 9 months of solitary in the brig (subject to regular sleep deprivation techniques and often forced to sleep naked) while Julian Assange continues on his PR blitz as the white Martin Luther King. Lyrics below. Admittedly, an expensive strategy (a table at the event reportedly cost $105,000 according to the Guardian UK), although how often is the President forced to stand mute and listen to dissenting (albeit not so tuneful) voices?

Dear Mr President we honour you today,
Each of us brought you $5,000
It takes a lot of Benjamins* to run a campaign
I paid my dues, where’s our change?

We’ll vote for you in 2012, yes that’s true,
Look at the Republicans – what else can we do?
Even though we don’t know if we’ll retain our liberties,
In what you seem content to call a free society.

Yes it’s true that Terry Jones is legally free,
To burn a people’s holy book in shameful effigy.
But at another location in this country,
Alone in a six by 12 cell sits Bradley.

Twenty-three hours a day and night,
The fifth and eighth amendments say,
This kind of thing ain’t right.
We paid our dues, where’s our change?

Graphic – now live!

Thanks to Hal and the Palo Alto Rotary Club for inviting me to talk on Friday – I’m glad that my energetic defence of comics journalism went down well. There’s been a flurry of activity lately on the comics journalism front, perhaps best summed up by the launch of Graphic Journos, a showcase/forum/sounding board for drawn journalistic pieces featuring a handful of up and coming journalists (including myself). Kudos to the ever productive Susie Cagle for getting it off the ground. One of the said journos is Wendy Macnaughton, whose innovative combination of audio and lush watercolours works really well in the video below – the bar has been raised.

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